The Advisory Board
The Genderforce Advisory Board consists of several members that all have long experience from working either directly within crisis areas or in management positions with leading organisations addressing security, gender and humanitarian related issues. In some cases our Advisory Board members are themselves long-time advocates and Human Right Defenders that from first hand experiences knows the pressure and personal risks that these individuals face in their daily work. Therefore we are not able to show all members of the current Advisory Board in order to protect them and their work.
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Ambassador Victor AngeloAmbassador Victor Angelo is a retired United Nations Special Representative of the Secretary-General (SRSG, Peacekeeping Operations), at the level of Under Secretary-General. He spent more than 32 years with the United Nations addressing development, humanitarian and political affairs. |
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Ms Mavic Cabrera-BallezaMs Mavic Cabrera-Balleza is the International Coordinator of the Global Network of Women Peacebuilders (GNWP), a program partner of the International Civil society Action Network (ICAN). Mavic has facilitated workshops and discussions on Resolution 1325 and 1820 in a number of countries including Afghanistan, Burundi, Colombia, Japan, Liberia, Nepal, Philippines, Sierra Leone, South Sudan and Uganda. |
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Dr. Carol CohnCarol Cohn, PhD, is the founding director of the Consortium on Gender, Security and Human Rights, an organization devoted to building new knowledge about gender and security, and to bridging the gaps between research, policy and practice in the quest to end armed conflicts and build sustainable peace. She has published widely on topics ranging from gender mainstreaming in international security institutions, the discourse of nuclear defense intellectuals and national security specialists, gender integration issues in the US military, and the on-going efforts to ensure the implementation of UNSCR 1325 at the international and grassroots levels. |
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Mr Edward FillerMr Edward Filler served 21 years in United States Army Infantry and Special Forces assignments throughout the Pacific, North Africa, Middle East and with combat tours in Afghanistan. This has included command of an Operational Detachment-A in Haiti, company commands in two Special Forces Groups and a Special Forces Forward Operating Base Director in Afghanistan. |
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Brigadier Simon HutchinsonBrigadier Simon Hutchinson served in the British Army from 1982 to 2013, leaving as a Brigadier. He served initially in the infantry, and later in UK Special Forces. Following battalion command he filled staff posts in the Ministry of Defence and in the Permanent Joint Headquarters in both operational and capability development roles. |
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Ms Agneta JohanssonMs Agneta Johansson is the Deputy Director of International Legal Assistance Consortium (ILAC). She is a lawyer, specialized in international law and human rights law and has worked with these issues in different capacities. She has worked at the Foreign Ministry in Sweden in the department of international law as well as for several Swedish and International NGOs. She has lectured extensively on international law, human rights and gender justice in the Swedish Police Academy, Swedish Military Academy as well as in universities both in Sweden and in several other countries. |
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Sir Richard ShirreffSir Richard Shirreff was born in Kenya in 1955 where he spent his early years. In his 37-year career, he commanded soldiers on operations at every level from platoon to division. As NATO’s 4 Star Deputy Supreme Allied Commander Europe (DSACEUR) he operated at the strategic level which required close engagement with allied, coalition and other governments, the European Union, non-Governmental and International organisations. |
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Ms Gry Tina TindeGry Tina Tinde from Norway is gender and diversity coordinator at IFRC since 2016. She chairs an IFRC Task Force on Protection from Sexual Exploitation and Abuse and oversees the development of an IFRC PSEA policy. In 2018 she supports 15 Red Cross and Red Crescent National Societies in developing and adopting their own PSEA policies, and will support 15 National Societies in 2019 and 2020 in doing the same. |
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General Karlheinz ViereckGeneral (retired) Karlheinz Viereck is part of the Genderforce Advisory Board where he is bringing his long experience from working within NATO, last as the Joint Force Trainer with Allied Command Transformation (ACT) in Norfolk, Virginia. In the European Union operation EUFOR RD Congo, General Viereck served as the first Operational Commander that used a Gender Advisor on his staff. |
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Mr Ilot MuthakaMr Muthaka holds a degree in sociology from Cepromad University. As Founder and Director of the Congo Men’s Network, he has worked closely with the rural and urban communities of North & South Kivus, Kinshasa and Ituri to conduct gender trainings for human and women’s rights organizations and activists. |